Product Description
Iberico Pork Tenderloin ~500g (Solomillo) – Frozen.
This cut has a fine consistency, with a perfect balance of fat marbling. The types of dishes that can be prepared with the tenderloin are endless, as it can be cooked whole, or in thin escallops, filets, and steaks, which are highly popular in the restaurateur world.
In the forests of southwestern Spain, known as the dehesa, a descendent of the wild boar, the Ibérico pig, still wanders free. Popularly known as Pata Negra or Black Hoof, the Ibérico feasts on a diet of acorns and other indigenous plants. This rich, natural diet gives the traditional dry-cured Ibérico hams and sausages an unsurpassed taste and quality recognized around the world.
Just as incomparable are the taste and texture of fresh Ibérico cuts. The genes of this endemic breed of Spain allow fat to infiltrate muscle, resulting in marbled meat that is truly unique. The flavor is intensely natural, and in turn mellow, with a subtle texture that melt in your mouth.