A Festive Menu Like No Other

Christmas is soon upon us and what’s a jolly good season without a feast to mark the end of the year? At The French Grocer, we have put together a very special festive menu that you can order from the comfort of your home. From mustard raclette to premium truffle ham, we have it all. Read on to see how our menu can feature on your festive dining table!

Mustard Raclette

We know it’s that magical season again so how about adding some jazz to the raclette cheese that we are so familiar with? At The French grocer, we present this very special Mustard Raclette that will certainly spice up your cheese platter! Raclette comes from the French word that means “to scrape”. It is made from raw cow’s milk that gives it a distinctive rural note and rich flavours. Its slow maturation in caves also helps to develop the powerful flavours of the Franche-Comté pastures, known throughout the world for their specially raised cows.

There are many ways to enjoy this lovely cheese from the Jura Mountains but we are going simply with the classic favourite…over pickled onions and hot potatoes! Looking for a good wine to pair with raclette? We recommend white wine as the acid helps to overcome the fat of the cheese and adds a little touch of freshness. Apart from mustard raclette, we also offer to you in the menu, peppered raclette and raw milk raclette, two versions that are equally delicious whichever way you prepare them.

And what’s Christmas without a mouth-watering selection of hams? We have also put together an ensemble of hams that will be an excellent feature together with the spread you have on the festive table! First among which is the premium truffle ham specially selected by our Master Butcher for its unique flavour and guaranteed quality, free from protein fillers artificial flavourings. We have also in store for you honey glazed ham, Christmas ham pork shoulder and smoked gammon ham so take a look at our festive menu today to make it a feast! Click here for the festive menu: https://thefrenchgrocer.com/product-category/festive-season-selection